Oct 28, 2008


Bodie's first 'on camera' smile!

Like Father ~ Like Son


Bodie goes by many names these days:
BoBo, Bo, Muffin Top, Peanut, Muffin, Kinseth, Little Man

Mom's favorite phrase:
"My little Muffin Top"

Dad's favorite phrase:
"Who's your Papa?!"

Oct 16, 2008

Mom's View

He is still trying to get used to his car seat. He doesn't seem to like the restriction! Here is one day he was content on being in it without sleeping!

We are trying to get out of the house and go for walks, but the weather is getting colder and colder! Burrrr!

Oct 2, 2008

Tummy Time

My belly button is fully healed, so I can finally have some tummy time. Here I am...